Remember who you’ve always been
Hi, I’m Emmi. I support women to reconnect with the ancient wisdom in their wombs, fall in love with themselves exactly as they are and step into their sacred feminine power, so that they can soar and share their Soul gifts with the world.
If you would like to find out more, please book your complimentary Sacred Energy Activation.
Journey to Your Sacred Feminine Essence
My deepest wish is for you to fully step onto your Soul Path and:
- Reclaim your sacred feminine radiance and power
- Return to compassion and grace; the Path of the Feminine
- Rediscover your innate healing powers and remember your Divine Origin
- Reconnect with primordial feminine wisdom within you
- Rebalance your masculine and feminine energies
If that feels impossible to you right now, you are not alone!
Feminine power has been repressed and shamed for so long that feeling disconnected from your essence, intuition and wisdom has become the norm.
In order to survive and thrive, many of us have had to operate from a more masculine space and distance ourselves from our sacred feminine essence.
The Feminine Is Here to Be Revered!
Our ancestors recognised the sacred, powerful essence of all women and were in awe of our ability to create, birth and sustain life. Our intuition was respected and relied upon and our wombs were known to be portals into deep wisdom and healing.
With the shift into the patriarchal paradigm, our power came to be viewed as a threat. We were held down and silenced. Our deep connection to nature and her cycles was mocked. Sacred feminine wisdom and practices, passed on from woman to woman for thousands of years, were forced underground and over time forgotten.
Because of this, many of us continue to choose, often early on in life, to bury our innate feminine truth in order to make it.

The thing is, it does not have to be this way!
It is time for the feminine to be revered in all her radiant wisdom, beauty and power and for us women to re-connect with our inner knowing, to shine our light and embody the simple truth that we truly are what the world needs right now!
All that you need is already within you, ready to be tapped into!
Can you feel this?

Work With Me
For a long time, I tried hard to fit into the masculine paradigm, building a career focused on external recognition and achievement and disconnecting from my feminine essence. I pushed myself hard, working long hours and trying to be the perfect mum at home. Ignoring messages from my body, I buried my exhaustion and discounted my emotions. One day the walls I had built around myself came crashing down and my world as I knew it caved in.
It turns out that my moment of darkness also became my awakening, leading me on a healing journey of ever deepening connection to sacred feminine wisdom and power. I now support women to heal lifetimes of grief and pain and to embrace their radiant, powerful selves.
Here’s how you can work with me:

One on One
Heal the five core feminine wounds, connect to your inner radiance and step into you sacred feminine power one on one with Emmi.

Online Programs
Immerse Yourself in Divine Feminine practices with Sisters on a path similar to Yours from the safety and comfort of your home.

Experience the healing effects of a sacred Sister Circle and be ready to transform the way you view Yourself and the World around you.

Sacred Energy Activation
Are you ready to dive deep and rise high?
- Receive a high frequency activation that opens the channel to Mother Divine
- Gain clarity about your vision (what you are truly desiring)
- Explore what is blocking you from reaching your vision
- Receive guidance on possible support and next steps
Feminine Revered Offerings

Get your copy of this bestselling multi-author book featuring Emmi