Every step you take in alignment with your Soul’s calling sends ripples through the Universe, calling for reverence of the feminine and healing you and others along the way. You truly are what the world needs right now!

So many of us choose to play small and bury our fierce, powerful nature for fear of being criticised, misunderstood or attacked. We walk through life feeling unworthy and ashamed of our feminine essence, trying to fit into a masculine paradigm that keeps this essence tightly under wraps.

We have forgotten that it is only through fully embracing and embodying our authentic feminine selves and revering ourselves for who we truly are, that balance can be restored both within ourselves and in the external world.

In Pathway Three, I guide you to open and fully embrace your innate, authentic power so that you can unleash your fierce true self. We will work with powerful feminine archetypes, learn to balance the feminine and the masculine within and connect with your soul’s calling.

Are you ready to transform your life? Book your Discovery Session here.


Discovery Session

Are you ready to dive deep and rise high?

During your session we will get to the heart of what you’re truly desiring, what may be holidng you back, and how we can work together to lift you up.


emmi at feminine revered dot com
or use the contact form.

New Kasama, Lusaka, Zambia 


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Email: emmi at feminine revered dot com
or use the contact form.
Address: New Kasama, Lusaka, Zambia